
  • Al-Qawa’id : Jurnal Studi Bahasa Arab dan Kitab Kuning

    Al-Qawa’id : Jurnal Studi Bahasa dan Kitab Kuning is an open-acces and a scientific research journal that published by Lingkar Studi Islam dan Pesantren. This journal published periodically twice a year ; June-November and December-May. The scopes of this journal are all scientific fields related to Arabic language studies i.e phonology, morphology, syntax, anthropolinguistics, language education, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and others scientific Arabic language studies and Kitab Kuning Studies. This journal aims to contribute the development of Arabic Linguistic Sciences and to disseminate knowledge to build a civilised society

  • Ar-Risalah : Jurnal Studi Islam dan Pesantren

    Ar-Risalah: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Pesantren is an open-acces and a scientific research journal that published by Lingkar Studi Islam dan Pesantren. This journal published regularly twice a year ; August-January and February-July. The scopes of this journal are Islamic Law; Islamic Economics and Business; Zakah, Waqf, and Islamic Social Finance; Qur'anic and Hadith Studies; Islamic Philosophy; Islamic Thought and Literature; Islam and Peace; Science and Civilization in Islam; Islam in Local/Nation; Pesantren Studies; and Islam and Gender. This journal aims to disseminate knowledge to build a civilised society.

  • Al-Fikr : Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Education

    Al-Fikr : Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Education is an open-acces and a scientific research journal that published by Lingkar Studi Islam dan Pesantren. This journal published periodically regularly twice a year ; September-February and March-August. The scopes of this journal are Islamic Education Professionalism;  Islamic Education Curriculum; Leadership in Islamic Education;  Local Wisdom-Based Islamic Education; Development of Learning Theory and Design; and Character of Islamic Education and others scientific studies on Islamic Education. This journal aims to disseminate knowledge to build a civilised society

  • An-Nidzamy : Journal of Islamic Education Management

    An-Nidzamy : Journal of Islamic Education Management is an open-acces and a scientific research journal that published by Lingkar Studi Islam dan Pesantren. This journal published regularly twice a year ; October-March and April-September. The scopes of this journal are Leadership, Public Relation Management, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Culture, Human Resource Management, Financial Management, Decision Making, and others scientific studies on Islamic Education Management. This journal aims to disseminate knowledge to build a civilised society

  • Al-Ishlah : Journal of Education Guidance and Counselling

    Al-Ishlah : Journal of Education Guidance and Counselling is an open-acces and a scientific research journal that published by Lingkar Studi Islam dan Pesantren. This journal published regularly twice a year ; November-April and May-October. The scopes of this journal are all scientific research on guidance and counselling in education, i.e assessment and supervision in guidance and counselling, sexual harassment, violence addition guidance and counselling, multicultural guidance and counselling, crisis intervention, trauma guidance and counselling, ITC in guidance and counselling, career guidance and counselling, spiritual guidance and counselling, marriage and family guidance and counselling, psychotherapy and and others scientific studies related to guidance and counselling. This journal aims to disseminate knowledge to build a civilised society

  • An-Nadzary : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Budaya

    An-Nadzary: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Budaya is an open-acces and a scientific research journal that published by Lingkar Studi Islam dan Pesantren. This journal published regularly twice a year ; December-May and June-November. The scopes of this journal are all scientific studies related with social sciences i.e social work, social welfare, social change, and social policy; humanism and human rights; corporate governance and community studies; cross-cultural studies and multiculturalism; socio-economics, population and development studies; ethics and intergroup relations; war, conflict, and international relations; local genius and local wisdom; popular culture; inequality studies (class, race, and gender studies); cultural studies and other related fields. This journal aims to contribute the development of social sciences and to disseminate knowledge to build a civilised society

  • As-Shulhu : Journal of Indonesian Islamic Moderation

    As-Shulhu : Journal of Indonesian Islamic Moderation is an open-acces and a scientific research journal that published by Lingkar Studi Islam dan Pesantren. This journal published regularly twice a year ; January-June and July-December. The scopes of this journal are all scientific studies related to Islamic Moderation in Indonesian society either moderation in Education, Socio-culture, Economy and Politics. This journal aims to disseminate knowledge to build a civilised society

  • Al-Ijtima’i : Jurnal Studi Masyarakat Pedesaan

    Al-Ijtima’i : Jurnal Studi Masyarakat Pedesaan is an open-acces and a scientific research journal that published by Lingkar Studi Islam dan Pesantren. This journal published regularly twice a year ; February-July and August-January. The scopes of this journal are all scientific studies about rural communities, community welfare, rural socio-economics, rural politics, village governance, social movements, sustainable community self-reliance and other scholarly studies related to rural communities. This journal aims to disseminate knowledge to build a civilised society

  • Al-Maqashid : Jurnal Ilmu Syari’ah

    Al-Maqashid : Jurnal Ilmu Syari’ah is an open-acces and a scientific research journal that published by Lingkar Studi Islam dan Pesantren. This journal published regularly twice a year ; March-August and September-February. The scopes of this journal are Islamic Family Law, Islamic Criminal Law, Islamic Economy Law, Islamic Constitutional Law, Islamic Economics, Islamic Management and Business, Islamic Banking, Economic Development, Islamic Finance and Accounting, Islamic finance, Islamic Micro-finance Institutions, Non-bank Financial Institutions, Islamic capital markets, Islamic Economics, Islamic Law and Gender, Islamic Law and Society, Islamic Law and Politics and other scientifc studies related to Syariah Sciences. This journal aims to disseminate knowledge to build a civilised society

  • Al-Qaryah : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

    Al-Qaryah : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat is an open-acces and a scientific research journal that published by Lingkar Studi Islam dan Pesantren. This journal published regularly twice a year ; April-September and October-March. The scopes of this journal are “Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, UKM dan komunitas lokal; Pemberdayaan Akses Sosial Masyarakat; Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat oleh Mahasiswa; Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Daerah Perbatasan; Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan; Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat; Rancang Bangun dan Jangkauan Teknologi Tepat Guna untuk Masyarakat”. This journal aims to disseminate knowledge to build a civilised society

  • Al-Balagh : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Linguistik Arab

    Al-Balagh : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Linguistik Arab is an open-acces and a scientific research journal that published by Lingkar Studi Islam dan Pesantren. This journal published periodically twice a year ; July-December and January-June. The scopes of this journal are Teaching and Learning Arabic for Non-Native, Arabic Teaching Curriculum, Arabic Teaching Material, Arabic Teaching Methods, Arabic Teaching Strategy, Arabic Teaching Media, Arabic Teaching Instructional Evaluation and Assessment, Arabic Teaching Technology, Information and Communication Technology for Arabic Teaching, Arabic Linguistics, Arabic Second Language Acquisition, Arabic Language Literature, and others scientific Arabic language studies. This journal aims to disseminate knowledge to build a civilised society

  • An-Nash : Journal of Language Education and Linguistics Studies

    An-Nash : Journal of Language Education and Linguistics Studies is an open-acces and a scientific research journal that published by Lingkar Studi Islam dan Pesantren. This journal published periodically twice a year ; May-October and November-April. The scopes of this journal are all scientific fields related to language education and language studies i.e phonology, morphology, syntax, anthropolinguistics, language education, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and others scientific language studies. This journal aims to contribute the development of Language Sciences and to disseminate knowledge to build a civilised society